Northern Ohio
Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.
Founded 1981 An AKC Licensed Club
In Memory of Our Beloved Dogs... Forever in Our Hearts
Boradors Chocolate Kate, CD, WC, CGC, TT, TDI
January 22, 1989 ~ October 11, 2000

"In loving memory of my precious Katie; my child, my best buddy, my heart dog.
You will always live in my heart."
Connie Lenke
Kathy Taleos' Abby who died September 13, 2001
Phyllis Johnson's Flash who died May 9, 2003
Kathy Taleos' Midas who died June 8, 2003
Nancy Dotson's Fanny who died June 26, 2003
Phyllis Johnson's Piper who died October 29, 2004
Kathy Taleos' Petey who died October 14, 2005
Sharon Darmstadt's Amber who died December 23, 2005
Windy Joy of Muskelunge, CD, CDX, CGC (plus agility titles)
August 26, 1991 ~ July 17, 2006

"I held Windy against my heart when she took her first breath... and when she took her last.
She is imprinted on my soul. When I looked at this last
photograph of Windy, I saw the heart on the top of her head.
I think it is a sign from her of her everlasting love".
Ellen Bertsch
Phyllis Johnson's Irish who died December 4, 2006
Janet Yosay's Royalty's Bear Necessities - "Bear"
August 31, 1994 - May 21, 2007
"Bear was the most wonderful dog and we miss him so much."
Nancy & Don Weisel's Katie who died June 25, 2007
Kathy Seider's Bonnie who died December 22, 2007
Phyllis Johnson's Bravo who died March 13, 2008
Phyllis Johnson's Tag who died March 19, 2008
Mark & Adele Haynes' Haynes' Dream of Jacob - "Jake" who died July 24, 2008
Ellen Bertsch's Rainy who died November 22, 2008
Nancy Dotson's Shiloh who died December 16, 2008
Shiloh was one of the original dogs in our "pet therapy" program when we began visiting Rockynol.
She will be greatly missed.
Phyllis Johnson's Dixie who died December 27, 2008
Lorien's Caramel Candie Kiss, CD, CGC
April 13, 1996 ~ February 24, 2009

In loving memory of my beloved Candie
"Loved with a love beyond all feeling, missed with a grief beyond all tears."
Candie faithfully visited Rockynol for nine years...
Connie Lenke
Phyllis Johnson's Cloud von der WilmothHaus - "Tessa"
September 28, 2004 - August 13, 2009
Sharon Darmstadt's Casey who died March 3, 2011
Kathy Seider's CH Belledin's Ms. Lick or Wish - "Angie"
September 4, 1998 - July 1, 2011

A Parable of Immortality by Henry Van Dyke
I am standing upon the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a
speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says,
"There she goes!".
Gone where?
Gone from my sight ... that is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side
and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of destination.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at the moment when someone at my side says,
"There she goes!", there are other eyes watching her coming
and other voices ready to take up the glad shout,
"Here she comes!".
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